Korvai Kanjivarams by Swarnambari

Korvai Kanjivarams by Swarnambari

86 products
     Korvai Kanchipuram Silk Saree in Traditional Designs – Korvais Sarees are one of the most traditional Kanjivaram Weaves. These Interlock Weave sarees are made on a three shuttle loom – The Border is jointed with the body using a laborious process that requires 2 weavers on the loom.

    In some cases the Korvai itself becomes a design element – for e.g. in the case of temple borders the temple design is created thru the jointing process. 
    The lovely Korvai sarees are sought after by Kanjivaram Lovers worldwide because the vivid contrasts and bold colour palettes that the weaver is able to achieve by using this weaving technique.
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